Requirements for Signs for Businesses

You’ve spent months or maybe longer setting up your business, dealing with all the red tape that entails and have just signed on a lease for your very first business premises. You may think all you have to do now is prepare to open up, but have you considered signage that complies with all the relevant legislation? It’s something that’s often overlooked.

Here, we look at two key aspects you should bear in mind before you commission signage from a sign makers in Burgess Hill for your new property.

Signs for Businesses

Is Planning Permission Required for My Business Sign?

Most retail outlets, commercial properties and even factories will want to display their company name above the door. In practical terms, that’s how your customers find you. It’s also an important part of getting your brand known more widely to build trust and confidence in your business. But did you know you’re more than likely to need planning permission from your local authority to erect shop fascias or other forms of sign, even if it’s on what you consider to be your own premises?

The law states that any illuminated sign that’s to be installed on a property or its premises needs planning permission. And even if you aren’t planning on fancy lights, if your signage is going to be any larger than 0.3 square metres – which, let’s face it, isn’t particularly large or noticeable – then that needs planning permission too.

Your local council has the right to object to signs that don’t meet their criteria and haven’t got planning permission and can even remove them from your premises, so it’s worth applying for permission beforehand to avoid wasting money.

Sign Maintenance

You may also be asked to prove that you have permission to erect your sign from whoever owns the land on which your premises is situated, so make sure you box that off before the sign goes up.

Any sign that blocks motorists’ view of oncoming traffic is also likely to fall foul of the conditions drawn up for signage by the Department for Communities and Local Government. It sounds like basic common sense, but your sign must also not block any road signs or create any other hazards for motorists.

The DCLG also states that signs must be kept clean and checked regularly to ensure they’re safe – so that there is no danger of them falling on passers-by, for instance. And if you are asked to remove your sign at any stage, you must arrange for that to be done safely.

Finally, don’t overlook the need to buy and position fire and safety signs within your business premises to make sure you’re compliant with The Health and Safety (Safety Signs and Signals) Regulations 1996. Typically, you’ll need one or more Fire Action Notices – which tell building occupants and visitors what to do in the event of a fire; signage on fire exits if it’s not clear which exit to use if fire breaks out; and signage for fire exit doors. You’ll also need signs that state where the assembly point for people leaving the building is; and signs that explain where and which fire equipment, like fire extinguishers, to use to tackle the fire.

At Phoenix Signs, we can provide the necessary warning, fire and safety signs for your business alongside a wide range of other services, including shop fascias, builders’ boards, and A-boards for your business. We also offer graphics, logo and brand design services, vehicle graphics and wrapping, hoarding and window graphics and much more besides. Speak to us today about signage and branding for your business in West Sussex.

Sign Makers in Burgess Hill

"We re-branded earlier this year, Phoenix signs helped us shape our branding and new signage. Highly recommend."

David T.

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